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At Parkway East Paediatric Clinic (PEPC), we believe that every child deserves to grow up active, happy and healthy. That is why we try to spot medical problems early and treat them quickly.
Our paediatric clinic cares for children, from the time they are born as babies all the way to their early teens. We provide comprehensive quality care from diagnosis through to treatment and rehabilitation. Even when the child is home, good recovery and management of their medical condition matter to us.
At Parkway East Paediatric Clinic, we take a child-centred approach to paediatric care. Our specialists integrate their knowledge of paediatric and adolescent medicine with a caring bedside manner to put our young patients at ease. Caregivers are guided to make informed decisions for their child's treatment at every step of the process.
At PEPC, we are sensitive to the needs of young patients and responsive to parents’ concerns. Our young patients and their families trust us with their health and well-being.