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Dr Audra Fong is an ophthalmologist with sub-specialty training in neuro-ophthalmology. She has a keen interest in diseases affecting the brain and nerves that are closely related to the visual system. Dr Fong completed a one year Neuro-ophthalmology fellowship under Professor Barry Cullen and Dr Sharon Tow, and was involved in a National Medical Research Council research study involving retinal microvasculature in relation to optic nerve diseases.
Dr Fong is also a trained general ophthalmologist who manages many age-related eye conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease and age-related macula degeneration. In addition, she does myopia and squint screening for children, as well as comprehensive eye check-ups for many common eye complaints.
M Med (Ophthalmology)
MRCSEd (Ophthalmology)
FRCSEd (Ophthalmology)
FAMS (Ophthalmology)