Children’s Orthopaedics

Part of: Paediatric Care

Children's orthopaedics is a specialised branch of orthopaedic surgery that focuses on diagnosing, treating, and managing musculoskeletal issues in children, from newborns to adolescents.

Your child may have paediatric orthopaedic conditions from birth, or develop them as they grow older. These conditions can affect your child's muscles, bones, joints, ligaments and tendons.

As they navigate through early stages in life, they may also experience growth-related conditions or injuries from active play, sports, or accidents. Addressing these medical concerns promptly is essential to ensure our little ones grow strong and healthy.

Learn about common paediatric orthopaedic conditions we treat, and treatments available at Parkway East Hospital.

At Parkway East Paediatric Clinic, we take a child-centred approach to paediatric care.

Speak to our specialists, who will integrate their knowledge of paediatric and adolescent medicine with a caring bedside manner to put your child at ease.

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Common paediatric orthopaedic conditions

A fracture refers to a cracked or broken bone. While bones are able to withstand pressure or impact to some extent, they will break if the force is too great to bear. This means that any bone in the body can break. A fracture is usually, but not always, the result of an injury and may be partial or complete.

Fractures in children are a common occurrence, and may be caused by falls or sports injuries. If you think your child’s foot, ankle, or other body part is broken, don’t hesitate to bring them to our Parkway East Paediatric Urgent Care centre for immediate medical attention.

Learn more about fractures, and how they can be treated.

Bow legged knee, otherwise known as bow legs or genu varum, is a common childhood condition where the knees bend or curve outward at the knees. As a result, both knees do not touch when the child is standing.

In most cases, bow legged knee is normal in children below the age of 2. As your child grows, their knee should naturally straighten without the need for treatment.

However, if your child's knees remain curved by the age of 3, they need to be evaluated by a doctor. Left untreated, bow legs may cause difficulties in the child's later years.

Learn more about bow legs and its treatment options.

Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), also known as congenital dislocation of the hip, is a condition where the hip joint is not properly formed in babies and young children.

DDH may occur in one or both hips and is more common among girls than boys. It can lead to difficulty walking and joint damage if left untreated. Hence, an early diagnosis and treatment can help to prevent such complications.

Learn more about developmental dysplasia of the hip and its treatment options.

Clubfoot is a condition in which the forefoot (part of the foot connected to the lower leg bone) is abnormally twisted and points inward and downward, resembling a golf club. This may happen with one or both feet.

Medically, the condition is called congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV). About half of all affected children have clubfoot in both feet, and boys are twice as likely as girls to have it.

During infancy, clubfoot does not usually cause pain. However, if it is left untreated, your child may not be able to walk normally and may develop foot pain due to incorrect foot positioning.

Learn more about clubfoot and our treatments.

Flat foot or flat feet is a condition where one or both feet have little to no arch. As a result, the pads of the feet press flat on the ground while standing.

For most children, having flat feet is not a cause for concern and does not cause any pain. However, as the arch helps to distribute body weight, people with flat feet may experience pain or problems with walking, running or standing.

Learn more about flat feet and our treatments.

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) affects the hip joint in pre-teenagers and teenagers who are still growing.

In SCFE, the neck of the thigh bone (femur) slips out of position at the level of the growth plate, in relation to the head. The growth plate, which is made up of cartilage, is a point of weakness. The resulting slippage affects the alignment of the bone, and hence the joint.

SCFE develops gradually over time, usually during the onset of puberty when there is a period of rapid growth. It is the most common hip disorder in pre-teens and teenagers, usually between the ages of 10 and 16.

Learn more about SCFE and our treatments.

Limb length discrepancy (LLD) or limb length inequality refers to a condition where one arm or one leg is shorter than the other. In particular, differences in leg length are likely to impact day-to-day activities such as walking and playing sports.

Treatment for leg length discrepancy depends on its cause, severity and your child’s age. In many cases, minor differences in leg length can be corrected by wearing a lift or insert in one shoe. For more significant discrepancies, surgery may be recommended.

Learn more about limb length discrepancy and its treatment options.

Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine curves sideways, usually in an ‘S’ shape. In addition to curving, the spine may also twist or rotate.

Scoliosis is usually found in school children during health screening by nurses who look for unevenness of the torso when the child bends forward. It cannot be treated by simply correcting your child's posture as it is not caused by:

  • Carrying heavy objects (e.g. a heavy school bag on one shoulder)
  • Poor standing or sleeping postures
  • Sports or physical activities
  • Lack of calcium in the diet

Learn more about scoliosis and our treatments.

At Parkway East Paediatric Clinic, we take a child-centred approach to paediatric care.

Speak to our specialists, who will integrate their knowledge of paediatric and adolescent medicine with a caring bedside manner to put your child at ease.
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